Sleeping bench family for rail systems in vans

Sleeping bench S2 1000 VAN
Sleeping bench S2 1000 VAN+
"Sleeping bench S2"

Seat and bed function
in one.

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Sleeping bench S3 1150 slim VAN
Sleeping bench S3 1150 slim VAN+
"Sleeping bench S3 1150"

Slim 3-seater bench

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Sleeping bench S3 1350 wide VAN
Sleeping bench S3 1350 wide VAN+
"Sleeping bench S3 1350"

Wide 3-seater bench

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We offer sleeping benches in widths of 1m (2-seater), 1.15m (3-seater narrow) and 1.35m (3-seater wide). Depending on the conversion or use of the van - as a shuttle or as a camper and with or without a kitchen module.

Aguti sleeping benches for rail systems are practical solutions to make travelling and sleeping in a van more comfortable and flexible. A travel-friendly bench during the day, a wide double bed at night. They can be easily moved or even removed and the backrests can be folded down in two parts (once the individual seat width and the adjacent seat width, depending on the model). The belt buckles disappear under the seat.

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